#12 Introduction to Enneagram and Sales with Sarah Wallace

Ever since we were in elementary school, we've spent so much time learning about other people but so little time learning about the most important person in our life and our business - ourselves. 

When you take time to study yourself and understand who you are and what you really want - life and work can become richer, easier and more fulfilling. 

Does Your Personality Play a Role in How You Sell? 

Absolutely! It also plays a role in how your clients buy. There is not a one size fits all application when it comes to selling and buying. The better you understand your personality, the better equipped you will be to appreciate the motives to how you approach your clients. In order to effectively close the sale, you need to know their personality. The better you understand their personality the more you can make the sale about building a relationship rather than a transaction. Relationship base selling is about the client - Transaction based sales are based about the seller, which do you want to have? 

Bring Intentionality To What You're Doing

When you understand the motives you're able to me more focused and be more aware of the shadows that will keep you stuck in the "busy" work. If you don't know what the motives are, you will be very busy but productive and profitable often is not a part of that same conversation. 

About Sarah: 
As a dog mom, boy mom and 2X marathoner - Sarah is a serial reader and puzzle enthusiast. Sarah helps women get to know themselves and to get known. She helps bring crazy ideas to life and helps you stand out in a crowded space. 

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Grab the enneagram and sales guide at https://www.sarahlynnco.com/glenda